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VOL.27, NO.2

Effects of Introducing the Taiwanese Language into Horticultural Landscape Education on Language Learning and Professional Motivation

Hung-Ming Tu

The primary goal of this project aims to stimulate motivation for learning the Taiwanese language and the profession by introducing a 5-minute Taiwanese intervention without modifying the existing course content. This program consists of six horticultural and landscape courses that include Taiwanese vocabulary and explanations for expanded vocabulary. Learning motivation scales and open-ended questions were administered at the end of the final course to evaluate the motivation. The research findings indicate that the six programs strongly motivate students to learn about horticultural landscapes, with over half continuing to study Taiwanese due to its integration. The qualitative results demonstrate that the six programs offer engaging and practical content that is easy to understand. The programs effectively improve professional skills and give learners a sense of accomplishment. Including pinyin teaching in the Taiwanese program makes it particularly appealing, as it enhances accurate pronunciation. The pinyin instruction should be easy to
comprehend and include self-learning materials that are straightforward and captivating. The main driving force behind learning Taiwanese is the desire to gain a competitive advantage in future career opportunities, making it highly compelling.

Identifying the Factors of Tourists’ Pro-environmental Behavioral Intentions to Cultural Landscapes: The Case of Jinguashi
and Jiufen Mining Heritage Destinations

Chung-Hsien Lin, Yuan-I Eric Yeh, Wei-Ching Wang

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the perceptions of cultural landscape elements, preferences for cultural landscapes, perceived values of cultural landscapes, and tourists’ behavioral intention to engage in pro-environmental behavior. A total of 548 valid convenience samples of tourists were collected from the Jinguashi and Jiufen mining heritage destinations using a self-administered on-site questionnaire. The results show that tourists’ perceptions of cultural landscape elements included “historical
elements”, “mountain scenery elements” and “trail elements”; perceived values of cultural landscapes included “memory”, “sense of belonging to place” and “mass destination”. Perceptions of cultural landscape elements, preferences for cultural landscapes and perceived values of cultural landscapes are important factors of tourists’ pro-environmental behavioral intention to protect the cultural landscapes of a mining heritage destination. The findings suggest that destination management organizations (DMOs) can provide a variety of cultural landscape elements and enhance the perceived value of cultural landscape to facilitating the occurrence of ‘historical element-based’ conservation behaviors among tourists.

Estimation of Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Urban Trees - A Case Study of Daan Forest Park in Taipei City

Chyi-Rong Chiou, Yu-Ting Lin

Climate change and global warming have become major issues around the world, and how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions effectively is a common challenge facing the world. Urban trees play an important role in carbon dioxide reduction in urban areas, but their carbon sequestration capacity is not well understood. This study takes Daan Forest Park in Taipei City as an example to establish a tree growth estimation model and estimate the carbon storage and carbon sequestration of urban trees. In this study, a regression formula for the annual growth rate of trees was established, and its R2 value was greater than 0.7, which could be effectively applied to the future growth prediction of trees. If supplemented by regular review, a correction regression formula could be further established to improve the validity of the prediction. In 2019, the carbon storage densities of trees in Daan Forest Park ranged from 39.49 to 65.84 ton C/ha, and the total carbon storage ranged from 1024.07 to 1707.30 ton C. From 2019 to 2021, the annual average carbon sequestration density of trees in Daan Forest Park ranges from 1.16 to 2.55 ton C/ha/ year. After careful comparison and assessment, 129.33 tons CO2e/year appears to be the more precise annual average carbon sequestration quantity among the results. We recommend using this value for external comparisons. The use of different estimation formulas and coefficients has a great impact on the estimation results. When estimating the carbon storage and carbon sequestration of urban trees in the future, the estimation methods and coefficients should be carefully selected to improve the estimation accuracy. In the future, longer-term growth monitoring and the establishment of
local urban tree species data in Taiwan are still needed to better estimate the carbon sequestration capacity of urban trees.

VOL.27, NO.1

Evaluating Teaching Performance of Interactive Question-and-Answer in Landscape Courses

Hung-Ming Tu

High school learning experiences for university students remain largely centered around rote memorization and traditional lectures. Some courses have adopted flipped classroom methods to improve the problems of traditional lectures in the university. However, the large number of students in a large class increases the difficulty of flipping the classroom and reduces the chance of interaction. Technological advances have enabled classroom interaction with students through smartphones. With traditional lecture classes, online interactive question-and-answer may improve classroom interaction and teaching performance. In this study, a large class and two small classes of landscaping were used as examples. Zuvio software was used for online interactive question-and-answer. University Teacher Instructional Evaluation Scale was used to evaluate teaching performance. The results showed that each course had positive satisfaction in each dimension of teaching performance after using the online interactive question-and-answer. The scores of the large class were still slightly lower than those of the small class. However, the satisfaction of the large class had no significant difference compared to that of the small class. The effect of the large class was similar to that of small-class teaching. The qualitative analysis indicated that the characteristics of interactive questionand-answer were anonymous responses, self-reflection, flexibility, and improved teaching quality. Fairness issues should be considered for the inclusion of interactive question-and-answer in grades. This study recommended that interactive question-and-answer be included in future large classrooms to improve teaching and learning.

The Influences of Different Environmental Types and Threats on Perceived Danger

Pin-Jong Chen, Yi-Chun Kuo, Chia-Kuen Cheng

Landscape preference is the result of a series of interactions between people and the environment. The generation process of preference involves a variety of influencing factors, among which perceived danger is considered an important factor affecting preference. Past research has believed that perceived dangers come from different environmental threats, which can be divided into natural threats caused by natural factors and social threats caused by man-made crimes. However, when discussing different threats, most focus on specific environments: for example, physical threats to natural environments, social threats to urban environments. The relationship between different environmental types and threat types is rarely discussed. This study used a photo questionnaire method to allow subjects to evaluate two different types of landscapes, natural and urban, and used different situations to reinforce their social and natural threats, while controlling individuals' ability to resist threats and their attraction to threats. The results of the study found that people were more threatened by nature in natural environments, but social threat was not affected by location; while situational manipulation did not change people's perceptions of natural threat, situations of social aggression did induce higher social threat. The two threat types are related, showing that both threats work together to influence perceived danger. The results of this study help to understand the shaping mechanism of environmental security and provide reference for future landscape planning and design.

Evaluation of Applying Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Volume of Urban Tree Pruning

Chyi-Rong Chiou,  Xiang-Yao Deng

In the past, the volumes and the carbon sequestration of pruning branches ware often ignored and it was hard to be precisely calculated because of complex calculation. This study scanned six species of six trees in Daan forest park though Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Lidar scans). To compare the diffident volumes of trees before and after pruning and calculate the volumes of pruning branches, we used point clouds to measure the volumes of the trees by visual measurement and TreeQSM algorithm. The results showed that Lidar scans can estimate the volumes of pruned branches as well as the amount of pruning branches change. Though classified point clouds of pruned branches, parallel branches had largest volumes of all branch categories. This research proved the volumes of pruned branches cloud be quantified and cloud be traced back the condition though Lidar scans. It clouds provide a model for pruning works in the future and be as a reference and guidance for pruning practice, which clouds ensure the quality of pruning though reviewing and evaluating the Lidar data.

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