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VOL.3, NO.1


Sheng-Jung Ou, Chin-Ten Lin

The main purpose of this study was to survey public landscape preferences on Hei-Sun Experimental Forest Recreation Area using the Scenic Beauty Estimation method. The study also tried to establish a prediction model of forest scenic beauty based on the measure of the physical features of the forest landscape and the SBE values. The scenic beauty of the study area was presented by 75 color slides which were evaluated by students majoring in Horticulture. Totally, 95 valid student samples were obtained. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, regression analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and T-test. The results showed that SBE method did reflect the differences of scenic beauty and the forest landscapes were grouped into four clusters based on the degree of difference. The hypothesis testing also indicated that gender had no influence on landscape preferences. However, there were significant differences on landscape preference between students who have been to Hei-Sun Experimental Forest Recreation Area and students who have not.


Hui-Mei Chen, Der-Lin Ling, Hsiao-Lin Wang

The purpose of this research is to establish the Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) model for neighborhood parks and to set up evaluation criteria for users by other concerned parties. The research method includes three stages.
The first stage is to study the characteristics, functions, and design criteria for neighborhood parks, as well as examine POE theories and develop the POE model through case studies.
The second stage aims to establish the POE model for neighborhood parks. There are three levels of POEs based on the goals and resources of the evaluation - indication, investigation, and diagnosis. Each level consists of six phases: (1) background study, (2) defining the POE levels and goals, (3) planning the POE work, (4) conducting the POE, (5) presentation of findings, and (6) application of POE. The evaluation covers three major categories related to technical, functional, and behavioral aspects. The evaluation criteria and indexes can be determined through tools such as interviewing experts, referring to design criteria and other research information, and using national standards.
In the third stage, based on the model, four parks are selected as case study sites. Physical environmental investigation, trail observation, behavioral observation, questionnaires, and interviews are used as tools for the POE study. The study will draw conclusions on final findings from these parks, and mitigation measures will be suggested for future improvement programs.


Yann-Jou Lin, Thuan-Heng Tan

Public preferences for man-made structures in a natural setting with different building forms and colors were compared in this study. The relationship between visual preference and visual change obviousness was also examined. The man-made structure is a building complex including a visitor center and a lodge. Three roof types and three building colors were designed and constructed on two different sites using a computer simulation method.
Respondents were presented with twenty-two simulation pictures and requested to rate their preferences and the obviousness of the building in these pictures. Study results show that the most preferred structure is the gable roof building, followed by the lean-to roof and flat roof buildings. Additionally, the building with a red roof and white wall is the most preferred building color. A significant positive correlation is found between public visual preference and visual change obviousness caused by the building.


Chun-Yen Chang, Li-Chih Hou

The purpose of this study is to explore the carrying capacity decision model of the theme park. That is to interpose a proper management parameter of the recreation carrying capacity in the theme park, and how to use the computer simulation as a decision tool. Consequently, the contents of this research include: 1. How to interpose a proper managenent parameter of the recreation carrying capacity in the the me park that can be an effectively decision parameter. 2. How to establish a simulation model, and design the establishing process. After establishing the simulation model, this study operates the mnodel and checks its feasibility. The results of this study indicate: 1. The visitors* perceptions of crowding can be the parameter of the recreation carrying capacity in the theme park. This study has proved the relativity between the visitors* perceptions of crowding and the visitors* waiting time, and we can apply the visitors* perceptions of crowding to be the simulation parameter of recreation carrying capacity.  2. The simulation model can exactly presents the visitors* perceptions of crowding using visitors* waiting time data. 3. The simulation model can predict the change when a recreation facility adds to the inherent recreation system. This model can be the decision tool of recreation carrying capacity.
This study suggests the managers of the theme park recreation areas how to decide a proper recreation carrying capacity. The simulation model then suggests future researcher how to do the simulation research, and contribute to the practically application.


Wei-Ching Yu, Yu-Sen Chang

The groundcovers have many functions which increase the sense of beauty in the landscape, protect the surface soil, regulate the microclimate, and reduce air pollutants. At present, the number of groundcovers applied in the landscape is fairly few, and the level of application is low in Taiwan. Therefore, one of the most important topics in the landscape is increasing the numbers of groundcovers.
Wildflowers are native or adaptable to the local environments. So using a wildflower as a groundcover in the landscape is very possible. Because shade, drought, and air pollution stresses often occur in urban areas, the objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the shade, drought, and air pollution tolerance of wildflowers in Taiwan.
The survey of vegetation under the canopy of dragon juniper and azalea indicated that the southern area has more broadleaf herbs, while the northern area has fewer. The shade experiment showed that the relative ranking of shade tolerance in several wildflowers in Taiwan was emilia, wedelia, ageratum, youngia, and bidens. The net photosynthesis rates, chlorophyll values, and leaf area were reduced in the shaded bidens. In contrast, the shaded emilia and wedelia could maintain their net photosynthesis rates and increased their chlorophyll value. The relative ranking of shade tolerance in several groundcovers in Taiwan was sedum, dicliptera, wedelia, alternanthera, and calyptocarpus.


Hui-Tsu Chen, Yann-Jou Lin

The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect visitors' perceptions of Chinese garden characters and to establish an evaluation model. Smooth, profound, variegated, and graceful are the four characters of Chinese gardens. These characters should be maintained under recreational use. Therefore, these four characters are chosen as indices to evaluate the impacts of recreational use on Chinese garden characters.
This study explores the influences caused by the amount of visitors, environmental attributes, and visitors' travel purposes under recreational use. The Lin Family Garden and Chih-shan Yuan are chosen for empirical study. The results show that "smooth" and "profound" are significantly influenced by the amount of visitors. The characters "variegated" and "graceful" are mostly influenced by the garden environment type.

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