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VOL.10, NO.2


Mei-Jung Lai

The purpose of this study is to define the role of community planners in Taiwan. This study has selected Taipei, Taichuing and Kauoshung Cities as empirical areas, and has used questionnaire survey and face-to-face interview methods for data collection. The respondents indicated that the ability of communication and negotiation, localism and technical skills are important qualification for a community planner. They also point out that communicator, consultant, and planners are key roles for community planners. The main works for community planners include helping environment improvement, providing advice for planning, and directing community participation. The respondents felt that undefined role and responsibilities of community planner, the limited grants are difficulties to implement community planning. This study has also found that community planner is different from traditional certificated planners. In addition to the technical skills, the community planners need to have knowledge about community development profession. Because of the dynamic and varied community needs, this study has suggested that community planner could be considered as team rather than an individual. Moreover, a single community planner do not has capacity to meet the required role and function of community planner.


Cheng-Ping Wang, Tsui-Ping Yang

The Purposes of this study are to investigate the in-group conflict among the roller skaters in Ta-An Forest Park and test the Goal Interference Theory (Jacob & Schreyer, 1980). The study results indicate in-group conflict of the roller skaters is composed of three dimensions, including Space Interference, Other Group Interference, and Direction Interference. The three dimensions are extracted based on the space types (area or linear) the roller skaters use on the site. Different interferences are influenced by difference conflict factors. Resource specificity can't be the predictor of in-group conflict; however, activity style, mode of experience, and lifestyle tolerance significantly influence the in-group conflict. Based on the results, the study suggests zoning, scheduling use, and education program can be employed to reduce the in-group conflict among the roller skaters.


Su-Hsin Lee, Chi-Mian Lee

This research was to explore how people react to different composition of landscape images and what kinds of landscape composition patterns were preferred. Applying the principle of western painting to classify the landscape composition patterns, the study generalized five kinds of compositions, including horizontal, vertical, triangular, oblique, and zigzag compositions. This research also probed the relationships between the patterns of landscape composition and physiological, psychological, and preference reaction of subject's examinees viewing the landscape photos. There were 20 landscape photos, which included four photos for each type of composition and were tested on 40 participants. Eye-tracking system was utilized to measure the physiological reactions(pupil aperture size, and visual locus length) of the subjects, and a questionnaire was used to survey subject's, psychological reactions (coherence, legibility, complexity, and mystery) and preference value. The study obtained three major findings. (1) For physiological reaction, there were no significante difference in the length of visual locus, but there were significant differences in pupil aperture. (2) The subjects had different psychological reactions when viewing different composition of Ahotos. Horizontal and triangular composition patterns had higher scores in coherence, oblique and horizontal composition patterns had higher scores in legibility, zigzag and triangular composition patterns had higher scores in complexity, while vertical, oblique and zigzag composition patterns had higher scores in mystery. (3) The subjects showed significant preference scores when looking at the photos with different kinds of composition pattern. Triangular and horizontal composition patterns were more preferred than the other patterns in this research. Vertical composition pattern had the least preference value. Discussion and suggestion for further research were also included.


Chung-Sheng Chao

The design purpose of Chinese garden is to symbolize myriad natural phenomena through various scenes inside gardens. Garden design can be further divided into five aspects i.e. general layout, artificial mountain, pond, architecture and flower/tree. This essay focuses on artificial mountain design, and deals with the following issue: did traditional philosophic aspect constitute an important influence on artificial mountain designs in Chinese gardens? This study proposes to explore the following three major factors, namely, traditional philosophic aspect, design theory of artificial mountain, and traditional culture/garden inter-relationships, by way of hermeneutical approach, and further substantiates them with extant examples of artificial mountains in Chinese gardens. The conclusion of this essay is that the traditional philosophic aspect based on Yin-yang theory had a positive influence upon artificial mountain designs in Chinese gardens. There are also five subsidiary conclusions: 1) By way of summarizing and distilling the characteristics of real mountains, Chinese garden designers aptly applied the design principles of artificial mountain in Chinese gardens so as to achieve the purpose of letting spirit wander through the universe while body still remaining inside a confined space of limited area.2) Through contrasting and yet unified design principles composed of themes such as artificial/real, limited area/mountain and forest, precinct/idea, space/time, the traditional philosophic aspect was able to have a positive influence upon the artificial mountain designs in Chinese gardens. 3) By providing strollers with the choices of both static and dynamic viewings on artificial mountains in Chinese gardens, the garden designers hoped to simulate the strolling experience of real mountains and waters, and eventually led viewers into a state of mind wherein Nature and Man are One.4) It is necessary for garden strollers to have a better understanding of traditional culture in order to appreciate the spirit and meanings contained in Chinese garden designs. 5) Garden (artificial mountain) design principles in China were based upon Taoist thought.

VOL.10, NO.1


Shiao-Yun Cheng, Shin Wang

Landscape plays an important role both in tangible function and visual perception. Landscape can be seen as an ecosystem, made of biotic and abiotic elements. Earlier "landscape ecology" mostly adopt a holistic point of view. "Landscape Character Assessment" prepared by The Countryside Agency, UK is adopted as a pre-evaluation of regional landscape planning. Here "landscape character" is defined as a distinct, recognizable and constituent pattern of landscape that makes one landscape different from another. The process considered as many aspects as possible to form a base for future landscape planning. In this study, by top down approach and a hierarchical "land character unit visual unit" framework, the study area was classified into 10 landscape units with different character. Then, followed by description and assessment for each unit, and the result was integrated as an example to judge the sensibility of landscape; to be a suggested process for planning future protected landscapes.


Jen-Jia Lin, Yau-Ching Tsai

The enhancement of facilities utilization is important on the facilities sitting in a park. Although the facility location models can site service facilities efficiently and systematically, they were rarely applied in the practical landscape designing. This study applies FCLAP model to layout the service facilities in a park under the considerations of pass-by trips and moving activities. The layout planning of beverage vending machine in Taipei Jonshing Garden is illustrated to identify the application feasibility of model. It is concluded that the application of FCLAP model is powerful on the location layout of beverage vending machines. However, the parameters calibration, service quality evaluation and static activities in the developed model need further explorations.


Jing-Shoung Hou, Kuo Chang-Jen, Ya-Fen Yang

The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationships between job characteristics, organizational commitment, and professional commitment of landscape professionals. We also analyze that if personal attributes will affect the above-mentioned relationships. Hypotheses were generated and examined for a sample of design and planning professionals who are working in the landscape industry. By mailing survey, 263 questionnaires were administered, with 167 valid responses. The findings indicated that: 1. Landscape professionals have high cognition of job characteristics, normal organizational and professional commitment. 2. There were significant differences of landscape professionals' cognition of job characteristic among different gender, age, marital condition, major, educational level, job content, position, years of working in landscape architecture, years of working in the present company, monthly salary, and overtime pay. 3. Landscape professionals' cognition of job characteristics are significantly related to their organizational commitment, and professional commitment.


Yu-Yun Kao, Ying-Hung Li, Yuan-I Eric Yeh

The purposes of this research are to discuss the reactions of people's emotional experience and landscape preference on the visual effects of street signs, the relationship between emotional experience and landscape preference, and the impact of street signs and emotional experience on landscape preference. There are 80 streetscape pictures based on 20 unified sign streets. Independent variables such as sizes, styles, positions and materials of street sign, along with 4 emotional factors are selected to understand the relationship with streetscape preference. The result of this research refers the followings. The three most preferred streets are Da-lm1g Road in Taichung City, Sec. 3 of Lin-kang Road in Wuchi Town, and the old Hoping Street in Da-hsih Town. Other research results find that 1.Size, position, and material of street sign had significant influences on people's emotional experiences. 2.0nly size and position of street sign had impacts on observers' preferences. 3.Positive pleasure, negative pleasure and low arousal factors worked together to play a significant role on influencing preference. 4.Combined both physical and psychological factors, only positive pleasure and negative pleasure had significant influences on people's landscape preference.

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